Look how far it goes.

I personally feel that stop-motion requires more time and effort into making just one second of footage work well. Taking into account that ...

I personally feel that stop-motion requires more time and effort into making just one second of footage work well. Taking into account that it took me at least half an hour just to check the armature of the puppets, tightening and loosening the joints to make sure it will work properly for a single action.

I'm not gonna lie, but the puppets have started to become a little... well, not in a very good shape as probably it has been shared amongst so many students and that it has been used for the last decade or so.

The toe touch that we did before this exercise was just on level 1 of things. Stop-framing a throw however, is not level 1 nor 2, but it's definitely level 3. We had to put in some anticipation, followed by a follow-through, just to make the action believable.

Here we go:

I am just gonna be straight up honest and tell you that this is one of my most disappointing attempt at a throw and I definitely am going to re-do it because did you even see the start of it? IT WAS PAINFULLY JERKY AND SLOW.

I'll tell you one thing that I like though: it's the last bit where she looks at how far the ball went– that went smoothly.

Have a nice day!

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