Mini-Pitch: 'FoodBall'

After a few weeks into pre-production, we were told to create our own mini-pitch with storylines we have created with the several workshops ...

After a few weeks into pre-production, we were told to create our own mini-pitch with storylines we have created with the several workshops that we have had throughout the first few weeks of the first term. We were also expected to use our given artist's (in my case, it was Lorenzo Mattotti) style in this pitch.

I had two storylines, the first one was created in a writing workshop with James Henry. The whole storyline created in that workshop could have filled out a possible full fledged 2 hour movie or 2 seasons of a particular cartoon series. It was all twists and turns, and it got my head just spinning thinking of it.

Another storyline that we picked up was in a workshop with Derek, Andy & Kathy. They gave us picture cards, and we could pick any item that they've laid out on the table. My team received these three cards, and we picked a fork.

Chosen item with three given cards.

The plot of my mini-pitch was: A footballer that became seriously injured after a football match. After being told that he could never be a footballer like before again, he started pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming a chef (and became a good one at that).

This is the "wow" image that I came up with for this mini-pitch.

"Wow" image for mini-pitch: 'FoodBall'.

Aaaaaand, here's a slice of the animatic (with sound):

The feedback that I've gotten back was that it reminded Derek of Gordon Ramsay. Although my mini-pitch did not get picked in the end, it was a great experience all around!

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