Live Briefs

This term, we were given an opportunity to work with a client for a live brief. The two options that were given to us were a brief with Shel...

This term, we were given an opportunity to work with a client for a live brief. The two options that were given to us were a brief with ShelterBox and a Space Brief. Ultimately I leaned towards ShelterBox- because one: it's an amazing non-profit organisation, two: it's a versatile project. I didn't particularly have an interest for the space brief as the brief itself stated that it required a lot of precision and accuracy in the subject, and it also leaned towards a big chunk of 3D which I wasn't ready to take on. At the end of the project briefing with a representative of ShelterBox, it became clear that I wanted to pick this brief a lot more than the other one.

ShelterBox: for more info, please visit their website here.

I ended up being grouped together with Ting, Kuan, Margarita and also Johana. During our first meeting, we started out with deciding to go towards a narrative approach for the project. Ting took on the director role and I took on the producer role.

Our main concept was to produce a hybrid animation piece, merging 2D and stop-motion together. We wanted to have a stop-motion background/stills with 2D characters on it. The setting of our story was the beach with toys as our main characters. We had everyone go back and do some sketches of some toys that they came up with which would then be included in the animation. We also had everyone practice drawing the main family which was originally done by Kuan.

Main toy family (designed & drawn by Kuan).

Pigeon character (designed & drawn by me).

Mr. A (designed & drawn by me).

This project is definitely going to be an interesting ride.

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