Script & beats (ShelterBox)

Ultimately, after sorting out the character sheets, we sat down as a group and finalised the outline for the story. Our main script is shown...

Ultimately, after sorting out the character sheets, we sat down as a group and finalised the outline for the story. Our main script is shown below:

Finalised script for ShelterBox.

After that, we made a rough outline of the beats of the script, to break down the storyline into even more details.

Rough beats for ShelterBox.

From there, we split up the beats into even number of parts for everyone to do the animatic. We didn't want one person to do the entire animatic as we had other tasks to do as well, and it was also for everyone to know how to pick up the continuation process of the film. At this point in time, we had another member join our group and it was Ross!

Detailed beats & breakdown of parts for animatic.

Now, onto the animation bit of things- here we gooooo!

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