Lorenzo Mattotti

For this year, I chose to go through with the pre-production route of the course. During our introduction class to the pre-production module...

For this year, I chose to go through with the pre-production route of the course. During our introduction class to the pre-production module, we had Andy, Derek & Kathy there in the room, giving us a short talk each. At the end of the session, they split us into twos and gave every duo an artist that we have to study on. What they wanted us to do was to study the art styles of the artist given to us and try to adapt to it as in animation, there is no such thing as one static style forever. Sometimes we'd need to adapt to another animator's style. This exercise in turn helps us loosen up and make sure we work a little out of our comfort zone.

I received Lorenzo Mattotti as my artist. The first thing that came to my mind was that my artist was definitely Italian. I didn't know any of his work, but after searching for him online, I was intrigued at the his art style and couldn't wait to mimic it. Mattotti often uses pastels in his artwork, giving it a grainy texture. I tried replicating it with colour pencils but unfortunately, that didn't work out well.

Some of Lorenzo Mattotti's illustrations playing with a variety of colours.

Some of Lorenzo Mattotti's illustrations in ink on paper.

Mattotti is a very versatile artist, constantly playing with shape, colour, light and also lines. He manages to convey emotions into every line that he draws. I tried copying it but I have yet to try it digitally.

Until the next task, then!

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