Animatic (ShelterBox)

Following up from the script & beats breakdown from the previous post that you can read here , we aimed to get the animatic completed wi...

Following up from the script & beats breakdown from the previous post that you can read here, we aimed to get the animatic completed within a week in order to quicken the pace of production. Over the weekend I started animating my last part of the beats whereby the villagers get together and push the ShelterBox boxes together and have a meal.

After compiling everyone's parts together and presenting it to Derek and Nick, we were on the right track of production. It definitely was a huge relief once this part of production was done. Derek made a point of making the animatic a more 'uniform' piece to be presented to Danny, the representative of ShelterBox, and not show an animatic with like 5 different art styles in it.

We sorted out the styles (thanks to Kuan and Ting) and finally got the finalised animatic completed. My part had a massive change due to the fact that we realised we didn't need to flip the boxes upside down to make it into a huge table, when we could just use it the right side up. We also fixed the ending scene to make it more of a dynamic shot so that it blends in with the ending scene where the ShelterBox logo pops up.

And there we go! Animatic is done- now onwards to the animation part of things.

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