You spin me right round, right round.

For the title sequence project, I was in charge of the entirety of the animation in the first scene. We've collectively decided to do a ...

For the title sequence project, I was in charge of the entirety of the animation in the first scene. We've collectively decided to do a globe spin to start off the title sequence. After a few spins, a hand will fly in and splits the globe into half whereby a title will appear.

When I started with doing the globe spin, I realised I was being too ambitious with trying to recreate a spinning globe when I can't even make a ball bounce right. I remember making myself sit down at that same position in the studio trying to crack my brain around a spinning globe. After several attempts of blob circles– a day later, I finished the test shot:

I was really happy with the outcome of this and so were my teammates. Upon presentation time and showing this to Derek during one of the group tutorial sessions, he pointed out that the circle gets really inconsistent which I realised right before the presentation. At first I was actually going to go for the style of inconsistent lines as I liked how every frame sort of makes it fidget a little but once I went back to look at the globe frame by frame on TVPaint, the inconsistency really got to me.

For this second test shot, I have yet to fix the inconsistent globe perfectly, but I added in a globe stand to see how it would look as a whole and to be honest, I really liked it. After refining it further, I continued the scene with making the globe split into half and this is how it came out:

The first thing that was picked out was of the timing. In order for the titles to be seen properly and read thoroughly, my teammates said that it would be better if I could hold out the parts where the titles were supposed to be shown for about 2 seconds each.

Honestly, I'm happy with the outcome of it as I didn't expect that I could animate it this far. However, there is always room for improvements!

Have a nice day!

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