Wild Wild West.

Once first term ended, I thought I was going to bid Maya farewell for the rest of my 3 years in university, but alas... Maya is back (tell a...

Once first term ended, I thought I was going to bid Maya farewell for the rest of my 3 years in university, but alas... Maya is back (tell a friend).

For second term, we were introduced to making a Wild Wild West setting. In this module we learnt how to block out buildings/elements, applying textures, rendering (Renderman is amazing), UV unwrapping, etc.

Blocking out elements was fun, until we arrived at the stage of UV unwrapping. To be really honest, after being taught UV unwrapping, I was so confused with the steps. Until... we found the really effective way to go about UV unwrapping without having to deal with all the confusion. At the end of the day, I found UV unwrapping fairly fun to do.

Here are the shots:

Knowing that I'm not very good in Maya, seeing the outcome of this made me a little happy as I didn't think that I was able to do it especially with all the steps looking so complicated. I kinda wished that I did the projection mapping method as that would seem more realistic in a sense than sticking in referenced images that all look so different.

So, before I officially bid Maya goodbye for this term, let's see what surprises Maya will have in the bag for me when we meet again.

Have a nice day!

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