Walking urinals & transforming cups.

Onto the continuation of the first scene of title sequence, instead of jumping onto the part of our animatic where the Marcel Duchamp's ...

Onto the continuation of the first scene of title sequence, instead of jumping onto the part of our animatic where the Marcel Duchamp's Fountain will be sitting on his Bicycle Wheel piece and a title will appear from it, I discussed it with my teammates and we decided to make the Fountain have legs and run after the Bicycle Wheel and then only lead into the scene where they both merge into one character.

I had a hard time trying to nail how the Fountain was going to run as in every frame, the legs just look really different and weird, aaaaand maybe it's also because I was drawing the same thing for the past 5-7 hours without a break and everything just looked like a similar weird blob on the screen.

After cleaning up and setting the timing of the run/jog scene, this is how it looked like:

After a team discussion, we decided to slow things down and made it walk after the Bicycle Wheel instead of running after it and this is how it looked like after the necessary tweaks:

In all honesty, I didn't like how jerky it looked and even after cleaning up and in-betweening it, the cycle still didn't feel right. It also didn't go well with the tempo of the track. After another quick discussion, we decided to stick with the running urinal as it seemed to fit with the sequence much better.

I also took charge of one of the scenes where the physical cup which was covered in fur (done by Tom) and animated in stop motion, will then turn into a drawn type of cup where it will lead to another scene. This was our inspiration:

It was a scene from one of Tame Impala's music video, Mind Mischief. Before I took over, Eloise did a trial which was this:

I took over this shot hoping that I could maintain the fur texture of the cup as it was inspired by Meret Oppenheim's piece of work. Having it smoothened out would have defeated the purpose of featuring her work in our title sequence. At first it deemed daunting as:
1) How was it possible to draw fur and not make it seem like a spiky cup?
2) How was it going to be a smooth transition?
3) How long would it take to complete it?

After about 5 hours of both trying not to collapse from having the cold and staring at the screen for so long, I managed to finish up the shot and it looks like this:

If you were wondering why the beginning second of white doesn't make any sense, it's because we were going to mask this over the actual cup and watch it transform! Honestly, this transition was fun to do as it was randomising all the colours and messing about with the patches formed by the different shades of colours of the cup.

Have a nice day!

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