Draw what you see.

I remember how I used to cringe at the thought of life drawing. I mean... why would anyone want to draw naked bodies early in the morning? ...

I remember how I used to cringe at the thought of life drawing. I mean... why would anyone want to draw naked bodies early in the morning?

This term, we had a new tutor (well, he's been around for a few years now, I think. He's just new to us, first years) instead of Kathy. Jason Walker is our tutor for life drawing this term and at first he kind of intimidated me a little but after a trial session with him at the end of first term, he wasn't at all terrifying!

In his sessions, we are always given a metal-like needle/stick thingy to 'measure' what we see so that we can get the proportions right. Honestly, even with those stick thingies, my proportion was still off. However, I felt like I've improved in some ways, when I start comparing my drawings to my previous ones in first term. So... here's a compilation of all the life drawings in my second term!

Session #1: Full body poses.

Session #2: Quick poses, long poses and foreshortening.

Session #3: Foreshortening.

Session #4: Enlarged drawing (to be pieced together) and full body poses.

Session #5: One 3-hour long pose– I've done it as a full body pose in enlarged drawings.

Well, I didn't expect that I only had 5 life drawing sessions with Jason this term but honestly, they felt really beneficial and I always was keen for his sessions as we learn more to draw what we see and not what we think we see.

Have a nice day!

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