Of mixes and foley.

In the beginning of the new term, we were given inductions on how to operate the audio recording room and also the foley cupboard. Everyone ...

In the beginning of the new term, we were given inductions on how to operate the audio recording room and also the foley cupboard. Everyone pretty much was wondering when we would actually sit down in that very professional recording suite to record some cool tracks like proper sound producers. Who'd knew that those inductions were actually to prepare us for a sound project for one of our modules.

We were given a choice between a Mayfly advertisement or a short animated film called 'How To Cope With Death'. I didn't think to choose the animated short as my attention got diverted to the Mayfly advert when I first watched it. I could already imagine all the sounds that could go with the video and to be fair, that's when I knew that I had to choose that instead of the other. 

The first time that a few of my course mates and I booked out the recording suite, we couldn't get any work done as the program was acting up all weirdly and we were busy trying to troubleshoot it for almost 3 hours. Sad to say that no technicians were there on a Saturday, so we had to postpone our group recording session. 

A week after that, a couple of students and I managed to book out the recording suite on a Saturday and made sure that the last group of students that used the recording suite left it all in the original state, to ensure that there wasn't going to be any hiccups for us the next day whilst we were going to try to fix it. 

On the day of recording, we managed to get at least 80% of the recordings done which was amazing! We didn't expect to have progressed that quickly in a day. Once the day was over, we pretty much had everything that we needed. At that point, I still needed a voice actor in mine which was already all set and booked out for the following Monday. 

Once my voice actor got recorded and I had every track I needed, I spent about 5-6 continuous hours in the production hub just trying to get the track mixed properly and in sync with the video. It was tiresome but the end product made me really happy. I struggled with getting the foley for atmosphere at first but all in all, we're living in Cornwall and it's by far the best place that's almost close to home in terms of atmospheric sounds.

So, here goes:

Overall, I'm proud of what the entire track & mix that I've produced. It certainly didn't take up much time than I expected but it was a good experience and you can definitely get different sounds from unexpected objects (e.g.: flapping diapers to get a flapping sound of the mayfly).

Have a nice day!

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