All Aboard the Diversity Train

When it came down to choosing between the Kresen Kernow and the Diversity brief, our team went for the latter. Since then, we laid out a con...

When it came down to choosing between the Kresen Kernow and the Diversity brief, our team went for the latter. Since then, we laid out a concept of an idea and decided on how we were going to approach the brief. Our team ended up looking at the root of the issue and for us, it seemed clear that the best way to go about this was through children and how it causes a domino effect. As children are naive and parents being their model in life, whatever a parent says or does, ultimately their child would then learn from them, and with children being as naive as they are, they wouldn't know the difference between right or wrong because in their eyes, their parents would never do a wrong thing, would they?

 So, we ended up having to design a few characters. We had 3 main characters: a little girl (the bully), a little boy (the victim) and the teacher (the neutral party). We also had several extra characters such as the toys (refer to Study Block 1's ShelterBox's final cut), and us in children form as background characters. We aimed for a design that wasn't too complicated or had too many details as animating it would be time-consuming. However, we made sure that each child would vary in different details such as the eyes– some would be big and round, some would be just buttoned eyes, etc.

One thing that we placed importance on was that the two main children were to be nailed in with the general stereotypes that has always existed. The teacher on the other hand, we had inspiration from Ms. Keane from Powerpuff Girls, and we also told the character designer of the teacher, which was Kuan, to add in a little essence of a motherly feeling like what our tutor, Kathy, has.

For the backgrounds, we decided to take inspiration from the environment design in Powerpuff Girls (look below). Majua took on the role as the layout artist for the project which ensure an even style throughout the film. 

After about 2 weeks of going back and forth of the designs and the layouts, we came up with the final designs and placed them all together, making sure that the designs do not clash with one another. And here is what is looks like:

Now... onto the big chunk of things to be done: animation.

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