Blob water.

ATTACK OF THE PUGGO!: Now that I've gained your attention with a mischievous pug, a.k.a., mission accomplished! Today's p...


Now that I've gained your attention with a mischievous pug, a.k.a., mission accomplished! Today's post is going to be about water splashes. Ta-da!

Just imagine those bottles of shampoo/soap that the puggo went super ruff at plopping into the tub full of water. What happens? The water goes splash.

Before I actually started animating it on TVPaint, I did some sketches for it.

So, here's my attempt at making an animated splash:

To be honest, this is my proudest work out of all my 2D stuffs because:
1) look how smooth the animation looks
2) the colour scheme

I felt that the little blobs of droplets of water were the ones that made the splash seem more of a splash. Without it, it's just some weird jelly sculpture that's floating on some blue blob of stuff. I'm really, really, really, really, really happy with how this turned out!

Have a nice day!

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