Ordinary demi-guy.

Just going to be upfront and admit that hearing the entire process of constraints and how it worked, really made me need a moment to breathe...

Just going to be upfront and admit that hearing the entire process of constraints and how it worked, really made me need a moment to breathe. But! I watched some tutorials online, which is definitely somewhat different than what Georg has taught us all. However, we're all supposed to make our own decisions when it comes to stuff like that, and to try things out before actually admitting we're absolutely deep in a rut.

AND I MANAGED TO DO IT! Well, it's not A+ worthy, but this is the proudest 3D piece that I've done, even though it took me a mere... 7 hours... to complete it. I may or may not have forgotten to blink during the process of completing this Herc rig. Nevertheless, I like it!

Added a little flair to this little rig, didn't I?

And that wraps some of the basics of 3D up for the first study block! I'll most probably go back and work on the basics as the foundations are really important.

Have a nice day!

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