Diversity: Final Cut

After weeks of having a good rhythm of animation to clean-up to colouring to exporting, we finally have reached to the end of the production...

After weeks of having a good rhythm of animation to clean-up to colouring to exporting, we finally have reached to the end of the production! We managed to finish a week earlier than planned as we were all working on the film over Easter, which helped in giving us more time to fix any errors or inconsistencies that have popped up.

So... here goes!:

Overall, I'm really happy with what we have achieved over the weeks. Despite having to constantly worry about keeping up to schedule, I would say that we worked fairly well as a team. Initially, we had our misunderstandings of how the style was going to be and all, including the fact that we wasted a little more time than we wanted to on determining the art direction– but in the end, we all came together and produced this film. 
Live briefs are in fact really fun to do and also having the opportunity to be working with real clients and real briefs is also another plus of being on the course. With the right team, anything is possible as well!

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