New term, new modules!

Ah, 2018. A fresh new year, a fresh new start. That's what we often tell ourselves when the clock strikes midnight and the number of...

Ah, 2018. A fresh new year, a fresh new start. That's what we often tell ourselves when the clock strikes midnight and the number of day count hits a reset button: day 1 of 365... then we head off to bed with that mantra in our head. And when we get up, nothing feels different, then a few days go by, suddenly everything is different.

A new year meant a new term for us, university students. More often than not, we dread having to restart all over again, trying to get used to the new module guides, trying to get back into the rhythm of working and breaking our backs for projects to be completed, etc. But, deep down, we are all always excited to start on new projects and getting all those fresh new ideas out in the open.

Similar to the first term (of 2nd year), this new term, we were all going to have to complete a live brief module, a pre-production module and... here's the different one: a pre-dissertation module.

For our first week back, we were given a briefing from Kresen Kernow about their project brief. One of it was to go onto digital interactive touch screens, giving the audience an overview of the work that Kresen Kernow does, along with their archives. Another brief from them was to bring the Tregellas Tapestries to life. I almost went forwards with the Tregellas Tapestries brief, until Derek mentioned that there would be another live brief coming in, which was from the Devon & Cornwall Police.

The brief from Devon & Cornwall Police was about Hate Crime (which has now changed to Diversity). After careful consideration, I went with the Diversity brief instead. I teamed up with Ting Loh, Kuan Dang, Majua Carvajal & Samantha Zaleski for this project.

The next module is the Pre-Production round 2 (dingdingding!). For this module, much similar to before, we are expected to either work together or by ourselves to produce a pitch bible, which can be used to be pitched in our third year.

The final module is the pre-dissertation module which is Research & Method. It is what it says it is... so, do I need to go on?

Like all terms, I'm always excited for new things to occur. This term will be the same as well. I know now on how to arrange and split my time properly amongst the modules, in comparison to the previous term, and I intend to give it my best shot this term in everything that I do. :)

Until then!

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