As a producer of the film, I had to come up with effective ways to make sure that production was going to go as smoothly as possible. The mo...

After weeks of hard work, from getting the concept down, changing our initial idea of a hybrid animation to a fully 2D-animated film, it def...

This term we had the opportunity to work with Jason Walker again, which was amazing! He's an amazing tutor and honestly I've learnt ...

I have not updated on the pre-production module in a long time, which I'm not going to lie- I've put aside due to focusing on Shelte...

During our previous weekly production feedback session with Derek and Nick, I also tried combining the wave test shot onto the stop motion b...

As our ShelterBox idea involved making a hybrid between stop-motion and 2D, Ting and I started building the set for our short film. We decid...

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