In the form of (gif)ts.

Hello, again. So, over the course of the very empty and quiet three weeks that I had for Christmas break, I made a prior decision to stay ...

Hello, again.

So, over the course of the very empty and quiet three weeks that I had for Christmas break, I made a prior decision to stay back on campus and not travel home to Malaysia. Not gonna lie, it was a fairly tough decision to make, but let's get on to the real thing. While majority of the people that I know travelled home safe and sound, I had the privilege to experience a very, very, very, dead silent studio. Before the break started, I started making some gifs for my showreel, which were just very simple pandas doing simple motions, and I'm going to be honest with you, I'm pretty hooked on doing these little gifs!

 1) The "dabbing" motion is something that most of us first years are pretty much... invested in, during the first term- so, I incorporated that into the panda and added it into the starting title card of my showreel.

2) Here is another experimentation that I did, animating a panda staring at a butterfly in awe. My idea was to make it end and turn it into a logo that I did for my blog (in the very first post of my blog). Still in the making!

3) Now, remember when I said the studio was very quiet during the three-week break? Well, I had the opportunity to try out the Cintiq without anyone breathing down my back at every minute. The night before, I was really into the Moana soundtrack album, and this sort of sparked my interest in doing a gif of HeiHei, the rooster! Added a little Santa hat for my favourite character of the movie, just because Christmas was around the corner.

4) This next one is actually a little thing that I made for my mother for her birthday, since I couldn't physically be home to make a physical gift for her like I always do. I used a program called FireAlpaca for this gif, because the studio was closed during the third week of the break. What was annoying was that I couldn't adjust the timing for each object/character. Upon a closer look, the characters are moving slower than I would have liked, and the box is also a little slow as well.

I would say that doing gifs of simple, solo characters/objects would be possible on FireAlpaca, and for more characters/objects that require different set of timings, TVPaint would be more suitable. Well, here ends the final week of the Christmas break!

Hope you've all had a very Merry Christmas, and, oh! Happy New Year! Here's to more self-discovery and exploration around animation, the mediums, and also the art form itself in 2017!

Until then.

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